When virtual reality meets recruitment 🌐
It was a great evening with a group of students around virtual reality.
To sum up, it was fun, entertaining, and challenging!
Thanks to all the participants for their commitment and enthusiasm, as well as the Virtual Room for its hospitality.
Ready to reach...
Recruitment Event
Meet ISALYS – 20th of April 2023 – Brussels
Have you recently graduated or are you graduating this Academic Year?
Are you interested in the domains of:
Transport & Defense
Life Sciences & Food
Energy & Chemistry
High Tech & Telecom?
ISALYS is hosting a Recruitment Event and we would...
[video width="3840" height="2160" mp4="https://www.isalys.be/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/DJI_0540_2.mp4"][/video]
Retour sur notre participation à la 15ème édition du Job Day @HELHa — Haute École Louvain en Hainaut à Mons vendredi dernier ! 📸
ISALYS CONSULTING BELGIUM était représentée par @Alizée Dupau, @Anne Koppenhöfer, @Tiffaine NOMY et @Virgil Mollereau qui ont présenté nos...
Could you introduce yourself and describe your position at ISALYS?
Hi, my name is Willy and I’m from Brazil. I have over twenty years of professional experience in electrical engineering in large multinational industries. My role as an ISA consultant is to provide solutions to...
ISALYS AM is specialized in augmented transition management and provides operational solutions to its clients. Baptise Siauve-Huard, Development Manager of ISALYS AM spoke with us to shed light on this unique branch of ISALYS Group.
What is exactly ISALYS AM?
IAM is a consulting company, just like ISALYS Consulting...